Weight Loss - How to Retrain the 'Hope Demon'

During this age of health consciousness and growing obesity, many people are desperately trying to lose weight. Over and over they diet, lose pounds, regain the lost pounds, and then start the cycle over again. If you belong to this group you may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts without knowing it.
The two biggest culprits are fad diets and the 'miracle product'. In this article we will specifically discuss how both the fad diet craze, and the 'miracle product' sabotage your weight loss efforts from the beginning. I will also offer a solution that will enable you to enjoy a successful weight loss program.
One common thread among all who are looking for a successful weight loss program is hope. Hope in the form of 'This is the product or program that will work'. This desire, this hope, never dies; it remains healthy and thrives in the mind, driving otherwise intelligent people to become blind to 'warning signs' that surround many available products. I call it the 'Hope Demon'.
Fad Diets
A 'fad diet' is a program that restricts food intake to one or two food groups. We have all heard of them, and many of us (if not all) have tried at least one or two of them. The cabbage soup diet, lemon aid diet, grapefruit diet, steak only diet; the list goes on and on.
The advertising usually follows the course of "I lost 10 pounds in 8 days, and so can you", or some variation of this theme.
The 'Hope Demon' has been activated. How? Lets examine a common scenario that activates the 'hope demon' in thousands of people: You have just seen an ad or a commercial for the latest 'fad diet'.
Your Mind:
"That wouldn't be so bad. Let me see, 10 pounds a week, in 2 weeks I could lose 20 pounds - Wow, I could be at my goal weight in 6 weeks! I have to get this." (Hope is charging around your brain, whooping with glee.)
The Reality:
Do you really think that you, (or anyone else), could lose 60 pounds in a month and a half? Realistically, could you eat this food only for 6 straight weeks or longer? Is this something that can be part of your lifestyle?
The majority of people who watched the commercial or read the ad have been blinded to the warning signs by hope. The fact is that most people who indulge in a fad diet manage to make it for about two weeks, many don't last that long.
The 'hope demon' retreats to a corner of the brain and waits for the next opportunity to come along, leaving you depressed and feeling like you have failed - again.
Miracle Products
You know the products, their advertisements are usually something like this: "Eat all you want and everything you want and watch the pounds magically melt away". The hope demon once again begins his happy dance in your mind.
You may be thinking; 'The last time I tried one of these it was a total rip-off'. Good so far. Uh-oh, the hope demon begins to argue; 'But this might be the one that actually works, I can't let it go by. I have to get this'. The cycle starts again.
The reality is, there is no miracle product. Period.
The Solution - How to Retrain the Hope Demon
Now you know what is going on in your mind, but...how do you fix it? By reading this article you have taken the first step; be aware of what causes you to act or react.
Really, the solution is quite simple. Be aware of what is going on in your brain, and give your intellect time to work the offer.
Before purchasing any weight loss product ask yourself the following questions: 
  1. Is the claim that is being made realistic? (Losing 40 pounds a month is not realistic.)
  2. Are they telling you anything about the product? (If all you are reading or hearing is how you can be model thin and nothing about the product, beware.)
  3. Is the program offered something that you can live with long-term? (As an example, a vegetarian would not be able to live with the Atkins diet long-term)
  4. Does the program fit into your lifestyle? (For instance, if a program requires you to belong to a gym, can you afford the time and the expense?)
If you cannot answer 'yes' to these four simple questions, the weight loss product or program probably will not work for you.
Print these questions and place them by your computer or by the TV remote. When something captures your interest, read the questions and answer them honestly. You will find that doing this will save not only money, but also feelings of failure and guilt will not be part of your weekly routine.
There are good weight loss products and programs available; the products should be aids to enable following a healthy weight loss plan. The programs should allow a sufficient amount of varied foods.
As an example, either Raspberry Ketone or the recently touted Satiereal Saffron Extract are both natural supplements that have been proven to help curb the appetite. This can be a blessing, especially when starting a diet.
Train your 'Hope Demon' to get excited about the right products and programs!
Kathy Bryant hosts a weight loss site that also has focus on ways to make the dieter feel upbeat and proud of their accomplishments and ways to enjoy eating healthy. Weight loss products are reviewed honestly and good products are promoted. To find out more, visit http://www.fastweightlossbyk.com

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