The Advantages Of Training With A Kettlebell

By Zandra Sheston

The kettlebell's simplistic design and ease of use is a big part of the reason why this exercise tool has become so popular over the last few decades. There are a multitude of exercises that you can do with it and you don't have to go to the gym to do so. A kettlebell looks much like ball with a handle welded onto the top. This handle is what actually makes the kettlebell so effective.

When you are first learning to use a kettlebell, you will need to get used to handling the weight and using the handle to maneuver it. The great thing about this piece of equipment is that you really do not need anything else to achieve your goals. You don't need a gym full of equipment to get the results you want. All you need is one single exercise at different weight intervals to build the muscle strength you desire and lose those unwanted pounds. It works your back, legs, thighs and arms.

Experts like Pavel have developed kettlebell exercises that work multiple muscles simultaneously. These types of exercises have been proven to burn more calories than traditional forms of exercise and also help to substantially reduce body fat. These compound exercises are vital to bodybuilding. The kettlebell incorporates both aerobic and strength training. With continued practice, you develop agility and endurance. This training method has recently caught the attention of gurus and amateurs alike.

Kettlebell exercises also help strengthen the joints and even encourage both the muscles and joints to heal. For those who are older and experiencing joint pain, this type of exercise may help. Of course, those who are interested in using this type of exercise to reduce pain should first consult their physician. You can start out slowly and use lower weight. The key to reducing the pain is in the movement.

The most simple and straightforward exercise is the kettlebell swing. This is what most people begin with when starting out this routine. This single exercise yields amazing results because it works so many muscle groups. Your quads, glutes, hamstrings and other parts will all be worked through this one exercise. Results can be seen and felt in just one week's time. As your muscles get used to the movement and loosen up, you will begin feeling more relaxed.

To perform a kettlebell swing, start with the kettlebell between your feet and on the ground. Squat down and firmly grip the handle. Make sure that your fingers and wrists are not too tight. Straighten your back and pick up the kettlebell. While you are lifting the bell, slightly swing your body backward. This starts to generate some momentum for you to work with. As you start standing up, push your hip forward. This movement will move the kettlebell up towards your shoulders.

It is important that you feel your legs working during this movement. Do not use your shoulders to lift the kettlebell up. The push from your hips should be pushing the kettlebell up. Using both of your hands to grip the bell may make the exercise a bit easier. The movement may be a bit difficult at first, but it will eventually become easier.

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