What Consumers Think On Meaningful Beauty Skin care Products

By Louanna L Jones

The miracles that you initially see when looking into this product line are not the only story it seems when you look at Cindy Crawford Cosmetics Reviews. Like any other infomercial product, the Cindy Crawford skin care line also get reviews of a negative manner fairly often. Crawford may be one of the most beautiful supermodels in the world, but it seems that even this background cannot stop the negative reviews coming up. With that said, there are also a great deal of women who absolutely adore this cosmetics line.

This line of skin care products is meant to keep skin more supple and also younger in appearance due to an extract from a French Cantaloupe that is said to be rare. The melon extract is contained within all of the products within the kit which includes neck cream, face cream, a face mask, eye cream, facial wash, moisturizer and of course the night cream.

What are women saying?

Most women adore Cindy Crawford and therefore are eager to try the beauty products she endorses. However, most of them ended up disappointed after trying out the line. Looking at some Cindy Crawford skin care reviews, women said the creams turned their complexion a reddish color and caused dryness of the skin which caused them to stop use immediately.

Those who did not experience negative results were disappointed when they saw no positive results as well. Others did comment that their skin seemed to feel quite a bit softer but this is not exactly what the product promises with regards to its anti aging ability. One complaint that stands out as being particularly bad was that the creams for the face and neck caused skin redness and even burning for some women who tried the products.

It would not be accurate to say that this anti-aging line has received nothing but negative reviews. Many women rave about the great things this line has done for their skin. Positive reviews revolve around having brighter skin, especially around the eyes. Some women report of seeing their skin turn several shades lighter, while others report of feeling their skin soften after a few weeks of use.

Cindy Crawford's skin care line has no doubt been subject to a lot of nice or nasty critiques. With that said, we simply cannot expect one brand of skin care products to be a miracle for all women who decide to test it out. Women with different skin types react differently to the ingredients in beauty products, and this probably causes the disparity in the results.

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