The Benefits of Onion

By Maxx Kurt

Onion is the only vegetable that would make you a drama icon while cooking in the kitchen due to its pungent taste aggravated by an enzyme called alliinase and its organic sulphur content whenever you cut even just a portion of it. The smaller the onions, the more pungent they are.

Onion is scientifically named Allium cepa and it is a member of the lily family: garlic, leeks, chives, scallions ,shallots and so with more than 600 varieties of them.They are commonly grown as vegetable plants in many countries but some people use onion as spices, ornamental and much more as one of the homegrown medicine.

As revealed by an ancient account, the onion was used to cure many illnesses from 4000 B.C. Based on the researches and studies, its kinds richly contains useful compounds of sulfides, sulfoxides, thiosulfinates, and other odoriferous sulfur compounds which are very effective against bad bacteria such as Salmonella, E.coli, and many more.

Action in Nutrition

Being a factor to savory dishes in culinary activities, it can also be a powerful spice which is a formidable source of folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, iron, and dietary fiber. They are also a great source of vitamins: A, C, calcium, folate, magnesium, iron, K and many more B vitamins.

It is a great antioxidant because their properties like flavonoids and anti-cancer quercitin found among shallots, yellow, and red onions but not in the white ones. Studies revealed that onion have better source of quercitin only in the onion skin.

Although the onion is safe and edible for consumption, it is still advisable to eat in moderation for goobling up large quantities of onions which may lead to gastrointestinal irritation which may result to LBM or loose bowel movement and nausea or much more delicate cases.

Contribution to Health

Naming mostly of onion's properties and advantages to our diet, there's more to it for it's medicinal contribution has not been mentioned yet. The list below are just some of the recorded information this dynamite bulb can provide as of the moment. Continous research and studies are still on the process of disclosing more of onion's power to help fight deseases.

Anemia Treatment

Onion is very effective for treatment of anemia because it has high iron content.

Anti-clotting Agent

The onion has flavonoids that will help provide protection against cardiovascular disease and its fibrinolytic activity suppresses platelet-clumping along the vessels. Consuming at least half a medium of onion everyday will help regulate cholesterol level and will prevent heart attack.


Among the aged people especially with gout and arthritis, the onion has anti-inflammatory agents that can help reduce symptoms of inflammations.


The sulfinates has antimicrobial properties which can eliminate E.coli bacteria, basillus subtilis, salmonella, and even fight the bacteria that deteriorates kidney and other body organs.

Cancer Prevention

A good bacteria in the colon is stimulated by oligomers (fructo-oligosaccharides present in onion) to help reduce the growth of any tumor or cancer cell developing in the colon.

Respiratory Problems

It provides relief for patients with common cough and colds, as well as asthma since it decreases bronchial spasm and bronchial constriction brought by allergies.


The onion has chromium iron which will help regulate blood sugar level and will aid towards glucose tolerance.

Constipation and Flatulence

It helps normalize gastrointestinal activity.

Ear Disorder

It is used to help relieve an earache and it helps to stop ringing in the ear when you dip some cloth or cotton to onion juice and put into the ear.

Hair Regrowth

Onion juice when applied to scalp with hair loss for at least twice a week until two months would improve the hair and causes regrowth.

Sexual Appetite

By adding much of onion in your diet has believed to boost sexual drive. This is very beneficial for patients with erectile dysfunction and impotency. Studies show that onion is an effective aphrodisiac.

Oral Health

Onion is used to fight cavity and oral infection since it prevents tooth decay and strengthens gums. Chewing raw onion is an effective mouthwash because it kills germs and bad bacteria that causes gum problems.


The anti-oxidant present in onions give you some defense to keep your immune system work in good conditon by preventing fatty acids to be oxidized which and so to minimize body parts' inflammations. Try to use onion juice mix with honey or olive oil to dry an acne.

Together with its Allium family are worth keeping herbs that would be pick away medicine from your backyard or even in the kitchen. After many studies and researches, their beneficial properties are revealed to strengthen the body and prevent it from disease causing agents that can create damage to our body and intolerance to sever illnesses. The onion is more pungent if it is smaller. And the more pungent it is, the more it possess a high concentration of phytochemicals.

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