The Truth and Lies about Health and Fitness Exposed

By Carl Nicholas

Discovering that you've been doing a particular exercise wrong for years would be frustrating. Think of the person who executes an exercise wrong due to incorrect information and then gets injured. Those and other considerations are very real and happen all the time. That is why it's so important to make sure you get your information from experts and credible sources. Your health depends on you doing your research because bad information is everywhere. The world of health and fitness are no different so here's some solid information for you.

Another myth is that using an ab machine and doing crunches will help rid you of the fat in your midsection; it is amazing what people will say to get you to try something. The whiz bang ab blaster fat dissolver vaporizer thing according to the late night infomercials will help you get rid of your belly fat. There is a direct reflection between your belly fat and your percentage of body fat. If you miss seeing your ab muscles you need to lose enough fat so that your abs will become visible again.

The only real way to get results is with the no pain, no rule. Dangerously incorrect is what that statement really is, in addition, there is very real potential for inflicting serious bodily damage by living that particular motto. There is of course a difference between having a good workout and being in serious pain. If you experience pain after a workout that doesn't go away or only appears to be getting worse, stop doing the activity. If you are suffering from an injury, it's important to recognize this and stop immediately to avoid making the injury more severe.

Fitness exercises are perfect for mental acuity as well. What this means for you is that your brain will become more powerful and will operate with the highest level of performance possible. Circulation is another benefit of regular exercise. Of course that means in your brain as well, also exercise increases the serotonin level in your brain. The clarity of your brain is another effect of this increased level of serotonin.

There are many benefits to improved mental acuity. If you are totally new to working out, then health and fitness truths and falsehoods are more important than ever. Because you are still forming your fitness best exercise bike habits, this is extremely important. If you cultivate the wrong habits now, you're setting yourself up for a painful process of re-education later. Whether you continue your fitness program and your future success depend on forming good habits.

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