Several People Have Tried Everything To Relieve Their Low Back Pain.

By Michael Pritsker

Your spine consists of a column of twenty four movable bones called spinal vertebra. In between each vertebra is a fibrous covered disc with a jelly center. Each disc works like a shock absorber inside the spine. At time, these discs dislodge suddenly. Damage and injury to the spinal column can also cause a disc to move out from its normal position. This result is often called a disc herniation. When a disc herniates, it usually places pressure on spinal nerve roots which causes excruciating pain. Unlike other parts of the body, the disc does not have its own blood and oxygen supply and relies on the process called disc diffusion to receive its supply of oxygen and nutrients. If the flow of these nutrients becomes disrupted, vertebral discs can degenerate and cause pain. Disc degeneration may occur simply due to the aging process. Sciatica, posterior facet syndrome, and spinal stenosis/arthritis are other problems that may cause debilitating back pain and leg pain.

Now in San Diego, New Century Spine Centers has acquired the advanced spinal decompression system that can really decompress the damaged discs that cause back and leg pain and restore their normal function. The spinal decompression treatments are noninvasive, safe and virtually painless. Similar to braces on teeth, this treatment does not cure the spine overnight. Several treatment sessions are necessary to reach best results and to keep it that way from returning. The appropriate protocol is determined on your diagnosis and other factors that need to be taken into consideration by the spinal decompression specialist.

To ensure that the New Century Spine Centers has the best physicians operating the system to treat patients, they acquired San Diego's best spinal decompression doctor. His name is Dr. Michael Pritsker, DC, and he has been featured extensively in the media for the treatment of low back and leg pain utilizing advanced spinal decompression therapy.

It is reported that lower back pain is experienced by over 80 percent of the population in the western countries at some time during someones life span. In 60% of cases there is nothing docotrs can do except dispense anti-pain medication and advice. Traditional back pain treatment options have a history of poor results and in surgeries performed for disc problems usually 27% repeat surgery and, 69% of the repeat surgeries result in permanent disability and long term follow-up after treatment. The success rate is generally poor.

In the past there have not been a viable treatment available which provides a successful answer for pain as a result of bulging and herniated discs in the spinal cord, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and failed back surgery cases.

Studies show that if the problem is left untreated, disc herniations and injuries can heal, but there is no guarantee that this will occur. If after six weeks the herniations remain they will usually continue to cause pain and symptoms in the low back and leg. Visual evidence on radiographs demonstrates that discs that are herniated or degenerated do have the ability to heal when not compressed. Repair and healing of discs should be done for discs that have been damaged by trauma and wear and tear during our daily positions and activity. This causes increased intradiscal pressures that is thought to be responsible for disc injury.

Advanced south coast spine decompression therapy was designed by analyzing thousands of patient results throughout North America that used a similar technique that lowers pressure on the discs in the spine. By decreasing the pressure within the disc, the disc is able to rehydrate, thereby restoring the normal height to the disc and reducing the irritation to the facet joints and other structures. As the disc is distracted, the tears in the annulus are brought into alignment and after 20 sessions have demonstrated repair of tears. The result is a functional pain-free spinal joint. The use of the spinal decompression device in San Diego and the protocol creates an environment for a disc that optimizes healing of the disc and the surrounding tissue in a four to six-week period. The program focuses on the ability of the body to heal itself. This program can be seen by visiting the New Century Spine Centers website at or by calling their office at 619-630-9153.

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