Weight Loss Laws of Success: 01 The Master Mind

"Out of organized effort comes power, and the process of organization begins, always, in the mind of some one individual - an individual who organizes the faculties of his or her own mind and then gathers other minds around and teaches them how to organize themselves and how to do team work. What remarkable strength is shown by the person who can lay aside personal prejudices and work without friction with a group of individuals with whom he or she is not in accord on many subjects" - Napoleon Hill - "The Master Mind"
It is difficult, very difficult, to succeed when those around your doubt your ability and think the possible is impossible. I remember speaking to a young lady a few years back who had started a popular diet, weight watchers if I remember rightly, as she was desperate to lose weight. She was highly motivated and very driven.
A few weeks later I met the same woman, the fire in her eyes had faded and the enthusiasm that once poured out of her body had disappeared. On asking how things were going she replied 'not good'! Her partner, although saying he would support her, continuously teased the woman with food and ridicule, tempting her and telling her that she wouldn't be able to do it.
The effect showed. She no longer had the drive that could lead her to succeed.
Unfortunately no matter what your goal in life, whether you want to succeed in business, lose weight, or create a life-changing invention the people you surround yourself with will have a profound effect on you. If they believe you will fail, chance is you will fail. If they believe you will succeed and do everything in their power to help you then there is a massive chance you will succeed.
Napoleon Hill realised this and his first Law of Success was born; The Master Mind.
And so, we are introduced to the amazing Power of The Master Mind - the bringing together of two or more individuals (minds) to work toward a Definite end (individually or collectively) in a Spirit of Harmony.
When you are looking to lose weight, tone up or just become healthier then being part of group of likeminded, driven people who want the same outcome as you do is simply priceless. This could be just you and a friend, or this could be a group of 20 people.
These people are there to push your limits, support you, help you take that step forwards when you don't feel you can. They are there to celebrate your successes, as you celebrate theirs. And they are there to help find solutions to any problem.
Negativity does not exist. Only success.
Your Action Plan
How could you create a Master Mind? A group of people who can push you to succeed and help you get the results you need! There are a few ways you can do this;
> Find a friend who wants it as bad as you do and create a partnership, set your goals and hold each other responsible. Don't get comfortable working out when they are with you though, you still need to work hard (reading the Heat magazine on the crosstrainer while gossiping is not the way!)
> Get yourself a Personal Trainer! His (or her) mind should be in sync with yours, both of you're aiming to give you the best results possible. Plus their expertise will save you time and effort! You chance of success has increased!
> Join a local Bootcamp - This could give you access from 2 up to 20 (or more) people who all want the same as you! Imagine having a support group of 20 motivated, driven individuals including an expert in weight loss. Again, your chances of success have greatly increased!
> You could even join your local Slimming Club (although not all these people will be highly motivated!)
In your arsenal in the fight on weight loss having a support group who are there for you will be one of your greatest weapons.
If you want to learn how to lose 7lbs in the next 7 days head on over to http://www.sean-ryan.co.uk to get your FREE report (RRP: £9.97) including 7 Breakfast recipes, 7 Lunches, 7 Dinners and 3 specifically designed fat-melting workouts!

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